Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Boss Battle Breakdown
Thought you might like to read this...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Interesting PSP RPG
Review of Kingdom Hearts meets Disney on the PSP...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Game Design Document
Here's a game design document template to get you started on your awesome game...
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Make MMO games at home
Just found this for those of you wanting to make your own MMO...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Magnificent Steve - D.I.R.T Final Documentation

PLAYER :we chose the player character as a bunny because it was the ‘cutest and the easiest’ to design and recognise on the screen. Seeing as our demographic was girls, we were hoping to implement ‘cute but kickass’ as demonstrated by the tween movement and girls who play videogames adopt.
‘ei, yeah im cute and ill kick your ass at halo’
The attractiveness of the main character is very important to girls, a flair of femininity helps but knowing that they aren’t any less powerful than other characters.
BOYBOTS: the enemies of the game are aimed to be the opposite of the girl orientated main character. The boy bots were designed to look vicious, almost viperish, one could even say bitchy. Mindless monsters who destroy because it’s the only thing they know how to do and without a parental figure telling them not to, there’s a sort of childish mindset to it.
THE UNSEEN HUMAN CHARACTERS: Although we were unable to implement the game in the finished product I wanted the player to be continuously aware of the unseen human element, namely that they were missing and the chaos they created could have been avoided if only from their input. The robots were created for a reason that no longer exists.
character- character concepts go long and wide, ranging from a a medieval fox to a futuristic detective.
Level- levels were desginded on the building blocks idea, or even lego aspect of building what you can from blocks, rearangeing them for quick, cheat and effective level design.
and progression concept drawings, how we got from point A to point B
Level- the building blocks the flow of the level, why it was desgined that way.
The idea of the level blocks came from the sentence of the brief that simply stated ‘must be cheap to product’ the blocks could be overlayed with better graphics and vectors to ‘snaz’ up a game.
Environment- space and scifi, why we chose scifi, and ecetera
Space is a relatively common scenario for games and scifi and general. Only because of its riged form it is easy creat in flash, you can go into credible detail if you wanted to or keep it simple and it woulod still look realistic.
Scifi opens to the imagination, but can be seen as not just kids stuff.
The acton is set aboard and abandoned spaceship, so we wanted the elements within the ship to appear broken and rundown. Parts breaking, pipes leaking and elevators sparking, to the point where the environment around you will either kill you or completely fall apart
Marketing – who is the target audience? (13-22 females) a market that could be a potencial gold mind. But could be completely off putting other players unless done right.
Females tend to find the games with outreaching storylines and visuals. People aged 13-22 tend to be a lot more obbessed with image, and get bored easily tso we tried to make an easy to play and visually pleasing.
Gameplay- simple jump and shoot, why we chose that format, the restrictions and the plan.
Sometimes you don’t need a totourial, people who want a quick fix or a 5 minute lunch time waster don’t want to spend half the time learning how to play the game. The greatest asset to a web brower game is one that is easy to play but hard to master.
The simple consept of jump and shoot, can be done by any player reguardless of age. But getting the timing right and learning when and when not to jump allows for the game to expand and grow on the player so they will want to keep coming back to master what they know.
Using these funda mentals people can jump right into the game without having to go through a toutorial.
Themes – the underlying theme of the game and what we wanted to accomplish.
The theme laying underneath the story is one striving for identity, to fight for what they know is right, not just good verses evil. The boybots are not destroying be cause they want to they are destroying because it’s the only thing they know. This leaves them open for pity or even a chance to repent their ways.
Accessability- how easy it was to play would it be free?
Monday, June 14, 2010
Team Awesome Market Info
Dead man walking is a 2d arcade game based on the tower defense formula, spiced up with some more immersive elements. The game was designed from the beginning to have a high difficulty level, the aim was to perk the interest of the many middle aged gamers out there who remember the old days of hardcore arcade gaming. To achieve this and avoid the usual arcade crowd we decided to introduce a controllable character who was able to fight off enemies rather than the usual god perspective of the tower defense genre. This not only adds more of a visual appeal but allowed us to add more of an adult theme to the game. The inclusion of a player character also meant more potential for game play variety and differentiated us from the tower defense crowd. The idea was to make a game where death was inevitable, the player must survive as many waves of increasing difficulty as possible, the aim survival. This direction would hopefully appeal to the nostalgic gamer who was looking for a challenge.
All in all I believe we managed to achieve most of our market targets however we fell short on the level of variety that we initially planned to have in our game, though this was a time issue and could not be helped.
All in all I believe we managed to achieve most of our market targets however we fell short on the level of variety that we initially planned to have in our game, though this was a time issue and could not be helped.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Mouse wheel code in Actionscript 2 and 3
You can choose what language you want you are using:
The first is to declare a new listener object, the second is to handle the scroll event and the third is to add the listener to the mouse.
Check out the example below and then we will look at the code. Scrolling up and down in the SWF below will move the blue square up and down.
And here is the code we have used for this interaction:
As mentioned before, the first line declares the listener object we use to listen for when the scroll wheel is moved.
The middle section is the part that actually moves the square which we have called box_mc. First we have the event onMouseWheel which will be fired when the scroll wheel is moved. Inside that function we perform a few simple checks to ensure our square does not scroll off the screen. These parts are not strictly necessary for a regular interaction and are only needed in this instance.
First we check if delta is greater than zero. delta is a value passed in by ActionScript and is a positive or negative value depending on which way the wheel was moved. If the value is greater than zero the wheel is being scrolled forwards. If the value is less than zero the wheel is being scrolled backwards. So if it is being scrolled forwards (greater than zero) we need to check that the box is higher than 270 (270 plus the 30 pixel height of box_mc is 300 and the bottom of the stage). If it is forwards and the square is not at the bottom we can then move the square.
We adjust the _y by delta, which we then multiply by 3 just to speed things up a bit. Because the delta is negative or positive we do not need separate actions for each direction.
Similar to the check we just did, we also check that if delta is negative and the square is at the not at the top of the stage we can move it up.
Finally, we attach the listener object to the mouse to get it all working.
And that is all there is to it - the scroll wheel action captured with ActionScript. So now that you are aimed with this basic knowledge you can implement it in your project and have control whatever you want by simply changing the portion of code we have written to control the square.
You can download the source files for this interaction below:
The first is to get access to the mouse events. The second the second is to handle the scroll event and the third is to add the listener to the stage.
Check out the example below and then we will look at the code. Scrolling up and down in the SWF below will move the blue square up and down.
And here is the code we have used for this interaction:
As mentioned before, the first imports the mouse events so we can have access to them.
The middle section is the part that actually moves the square which we have called box_mc. First we have the function handleMouseWheel which will be fired when the scroll wheel is moved. Inside that function we perform a few simple checks to ensure our square does not scroll off the screen. These parts are not strictly necessary for a regular interaction and are only needed in this instance.
First we check if is greater than zero. is a value passed in by ActionScript and is a positive or negative value depending on which way the wheel was moved. If the value is greater than zero the wheel is being scrolled forwards. If the value is less than zero the wheel is being scrolled backwards. So if it is being scrolled forwards (greater than zero) we need to check that the box is higher than 270 (270 plus the 30 pixel height of box_mc is 300 and the bottom of the stage). If it is forwards and the square is not at the bottom we can then move the square.
We adjust the y by, which we then multiply by 3 just to speed things up a bit. Because the delta is negative or positive we do not need separate actions for each direction.
Similar to the check we just did, we also check that if is negative and the square is at the not at the top of the stage we can move it up.
Finally, we attach the listener object to the stage to get it all working.
You can download the source files for this interaction below:
Using the scroll wheel or mouse wheel with ActionScript
23 December, 2008
Flash allows us to take all sorts of inputs use them to interact with files. The mouse scroll wheel is one of the inputs we can use. And as you will see below, it can be very simple.You can choose what language you want you are using:
ActionScript 2
Capturing the scroll wheel, or the mouse wheel as Flash calls it, is very easy. We do it with three lines of code.The first is to declare a new listener object, the second is to handle the scroll event and the third is to add the listener to the mouse.
Check out the example below and then we will look at the code. Scrolling up and down in the SWF below will move the blue square up and down.
var mouseListener:Object = new Object();
mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function(delta) {
if ((delta > 0 && box_mc._y < 270) || (delta < 0 && box_mc._y > 0)) {
box_mc._y = box_mc._y + (delta * 3);
The middle section is the part that actually moves the square which we have called box_mc. First we have the event onMouseWheel which will be fired when the scroll wheel is moved. Inside that function we perform a few simple checks to ensure our square does not scroll off the screen. These parts are not strictly necessary for a regular interaction and are only needed in this instance.
First we check if delta is greater than zero. delta is a value passed in by ActionScript and is a positive or negative value depending on which way the wheel was moved. If the value is greater than zero the wheel is being scrolled forwards. If the value is less than zero the wheel is being scrolled backwards. So if it is being scrolled forwards (greater than zero) we need to check that the box is higher than 270 (270 plus the 30 pixel height of box_mc is 300 and the bottom of the stage). If it is forwards and the square is not at the bottom we can then move the square.
We adjust the _y by delta, which we then multiply by 3 just to speed things up a bit. Because the delta is negative or positive we do not need separate actions for each direction.
Similar to the check we just did, we also check that if delta is negative and the square is at the not at the top of the stage we can move it up.
Finally, we attach the listener object to the mouse to get it all working.
And that is all there is to it - the scroll wheel action captured with ActionScript. So now that you are aimed with this basic knowledge you can implement it in your project and have control whatever you want by simply changing the portion of code we have written to control the square.
You can download the source files for this interaction below:
ActionScript 3
Capturing the scroll wheel, or the mouse wheel as Flash calls it, is very easy. We do it with four lines of code.The first is to get access to the mouse events. The second the second is to handle the scroll event and the third is to add the listener to the stage.
Check out the example below and then we will look at the code. Scrolling up and down in the SWF below will move the blue square up and down.
*NOTE* - You will notice in the interaction below that while the square moves up and down the entire web page scrolls as well. We address this issue below.
function handleMouseWheel(event:MouseEvent):void {
if (( > 0 && box_mc.y < 270) || ( < 0 && box_mc.y > 0)) {
box_mc.y = box_mc.y + ( * 3);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, handleMouseWheel);
The middle section is the part that actually moves the square which we have called box_mc. First we have the function handleMouseWheel which will be fired when the scroll wheel is moved. Inside that function we perform a few simple checks to ensure our square does not scroll off the screen. These parts are not strictly necessary for a regular interaction and are only needed in this instance.
First we check if is greater than zero. is a value passed in by ActionScript and is a positive or negative value depending on which way the wheel was moved. If the value is greater than zero the wheel is being scrolled forwards. If the value is less than zero the wheel is being scrolled backwards. So if it is being scrolled forwards (greater than zero) we need to check that the box is higher than 270 (270 plus the 30 pixel height of box_mc is 300 and the bottom of the stage). If it is forwards and the square is not at the bottom we can then move the square.
We adjust the y by, which we then multiply by 3 just to speed things up a bit. Because the delta is negative or positive we do not need separate actions for each direction.
Similar to the check we just did, we also check that if is negative and the square is at the not at the top of the stage we can move it up.
Finally, we attach the listener object to the stage to get it all working.
You can download the source files for this interaction below:
*NOTE* - As we stated above, this ActionScript 3 implementation has the bug of scrolling the entire page at the same time as the SWF. At the time of writing an adequate fix had not been found for this bug. There are several available which use JavaScript to pass the scroll wheel event into Flash, but these were not deemed suitable for this tutorial.
And that is all there is to it - the scroll wheel action captured with ActionScript. So now that you are aimed with this basic knowledge you can implement it in your project and have control whatever you want by simply changing the portion of code we have written to control the square.ferrari_chris
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
For Team Awesome
I found this app which you might like to dissect as it shows something similar to your game and how well it works on the iPad.
Video - Tesla Wars HD for iPad
Video - Tesla Wars HD for iPad
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Team Awesome (a.k.a team modest)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Team Cleaning Up The D.I.R.T. (a.k.a. Magnificent Steve).

Level map design
Hobo: currently named Steve
Silver robot: Silver Cleaning Droid
Bronze robot: Bronze Cleaning Droid
Small robot: Scuttlebot
Hobo: currently named Steve
Silver robot: Silver Cleaning Droid
Bronze robot: Bronze Cleaning Droid
Small robot: Scuttlebot
Team CUTDIRT reporting in!
Our game is a top-down, dungeon crawl shooter.
Spoilers below, scroll down for short version.
Our Protagonist, (Hobo), was scavenging at (Tip). He noticed a cleaning robot eliminating junk. The robot was armed with X-grade detergent, a detergent so concentrated it could corrode most things in one shot. When he approached it, the cleaning robot attacked him out of the blue. Armed with nothing but the rubbish around him, he picked up the closest piece of rubbish and used it as an impromptu missile. The robot, splattered with dirt from the missile, though not visibly harmed, shot itself with its cleaning liquid, to try and remove the dirt, thus destroying itself.
(Hobo) was shaken, baffled as to why the robot attacked him. He proceeded to scavenge the robot’s carcass, and salvaged an arm. He noticed (Corporation)’s Logo on the back of the robot. More robots arrived, also intent on cleaning the (Tip).
Worried for himself and his treasure trove, the (Tip), and aware of the robots’ weaknesses, he hurried to create something to fight them.
Level 1 start (Gather the Items to build a Weapon without the robots seeing you)
He quickly scavenged and invented a Sludge Gun using the robot arm he had salvaged. And not a moment to soon. Several robots spotted him and began there advance
Level 1 First Battle (Shoot the robots so they destroy themselves)
After destroying the robots he could see they shared the (Corporation)’s logo as the first had. (Hobo) set out determined to go to (Corporation) and get them to explain themselves and shut down the robots.
Level 1 continued (Fight your way out of (Tip))
Arriving at the entry to (City), (Hobo) sees that the whole of (City) is overrun with robots. Screams can be heard about the streets and the population seems to be in hiding. (Hobo) continues his search for the (Corporation) HQ.
Level 2 (Find (Corporation) HQ)
Throughout (City), (Hobo) encounters and fights many robots.
Level 2 Battles (Shoot the robots so they destroy themselves)
In his travels (Hobo) finds a person in distress and must save them.
Level 2 Boss (Save person by shooting the robot so it destroys itself)
The person tells (Hobo) where (Corporation) HQ is and advises him to keep clear or encourages him to fight on as humanities only hope of survival. He/She gives (Hobo) a useful item.
(Hobo) arrives at (Corporation) HQ to find it a small deserted building. However he discovers the entrance to a lower level Lab.
Level 3 start (Find your way into the centre of (Robot Inventor’s Lab))
He faces many enemies and traps.
Level 3 Battles (Shoot the robots so they destroy themselves)
(Hobo) makes it to the central research area and finds (Robot Inventor)’s construction notes and journal. His robots went out of control under his latest creation (Head Robot). They now want to wipe out humanity because they are unclean and cover the world in dirt. (Robot Inventor) is dead or missing. There is an entry to a lower construction level from here. However, when (Hobo) goes to use it, a trap is triggered and a Large Robot attacks him.
Level 3 Boss (Shoot the robot so it destroys itself)
He defeats the robot and enters the Robot Assembly Site. He must find and destroy (Head Robot).
Level 4 start (Find your way into the centre of Robot Assembly Site)
Throughout Robot Assembly Site, (Hobo) encounters many traps and fights many robots.
Level 4 Battles (Shoot the robots so they destroy themselves)
(Hobo) makes it to the centre area Robot Assembly Site and faces off against (Head Robot) after its speech.
Level 4 Boss (Shoot the robot so it destroys itself while fighting its minions)
(Hobo) has successfully saved humanity. He is a hero. He becomes rich and famous and can invent to his heart’s content.
End Game. You Are Victorious.
You are an inventor who lives in a junkyard. You live by the saying "one man's rubbish is another man's treasure". Because of your lifestyle, your failure to bring in a decent living from your profession, and your somewhat questionable sense of hygiene (due to your you are widely considered a hobo.
The world has been taken over by robots that eliminate dirt. The problem is; they have decided that humans are a type of dirt, and as the dirtiest hobo in town; you're on the top of their hit list. Save yourself and the world by finding your way to the den of the robots and destroying their source.
new group name: "Procrastinating Chaos" (c)
well since the boys werent here we changed our name and decided to upload the games doc, so here it is. 
"Tutorial level
Introduces player to movements controls and firing
[Cutscene] Aliens invade, make your way to the escape pods!!
First level
Player fights their way through the industrial sector of the space station Boss
Player finds him/herself in front of immovable tanklike obstruction that you are forced to destroy."
Current List Of Tasks the group is working on
to finialise the main character, an enemy and background objects.-2 hours
to start building these in flash as movie clips.- 4 hours
Go to meeting and get aproval on monster - 2 hours
Write up a report on sounds, with examples, that could be used in the game - 2 hours
Write up a score/ intrements/synths that can be used in the levels - 1 hour
Find sample sound libaries -3 hours
Check ideas with everyone else in a meeting - 2 hours
Compile all work thus far into a document that is easily read by the rest of the group - 2 hours
Go to meeting and be given details on the back ground - 2 hours
aprove level blocks for buildings - 2 hours
Sort out the broken code - 3 hours
Go to meeting and show code, broken or not - 2 hours
Going through sorced code - 3 hours
Meet with team members. Discuss ideas and game design.
Write up an updated game design document/walkthrough
Finish off story boards for opening sequence - 2 hours
Monday, February 22, 2010
Assessment#1 ( Intro to OO ) - Week 5
Please upload the final (as final as you can get it) Game Design Document or GDD.
It must subscribe to the following requirements.
It must subscribe to the following requirements.
- Be created by your entire group.
- Have the backlog - ie all User Stories whether they have been complete or not.
- Contain at least one concept screen shot (prefer more)
- Be the entire game from start to finish - even if this will change.
- Blogged here - convert as best as possible.
WiiCades requirement for uploading
Screen Size:
- 550 x 400
- 640 x 480
- 800 x 600
So you want to Upload a game to WiiCade?
Here's a couple of things you should check before you Upload a game to WiiCade- You game or animation must be Flash Lite 3.1 Compatible.
- Your game must NOT require any essential Keyboard controls without the use of the WiiCade Remote API.
- You must be a rightful owner of the game or have EXPLICIT permission to upload the file from its rightful owners.
- Your game or animation must NOT contain pornographic images or otherwise inappropriate content.
- Your game or animation does NOT contain any characters/places/objects owned by Nintendo Ltd.
- You understand that your game or animation will go through a 1 week probation period where it must sustain a rating of at least 2.5/5 to remain on the site.
If you meet all of the above requirements then you're ready to Upload your Game or Animation!
Do you have Flash?
First things first, do you have a copy of Adobe[formely Macromedia] Flash on your computer? If you don't, click Here to download a Free 30-day Trial of Flash CS3 Pro. Be aware this version of Flash does not natively export to Lite 3.1, you have to manualy set it to export to Lite 3.1 in the "Export Movie" dialog. For more information, click Here.
I don't know how to make Flash Content!
Now that you have Flash, here are a few resources you can use to help ease your way into the wonderful world of Flash!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Assessment # 1 (Games for Web) - Due Week 6
By week 6 you need to produce a simple point and click shooter.
Assignment one will make sure you understand the following Flash technologies
- Actionscript in the timeline
- Actionscript in a movieClip
- The MovieClip and it's properties
- Flash drawing techniques
- Game play with events (onRelease) from mouse
- Dynamic text and updating it
- Game progression - resolution
Here's an example.
Assignment one will make sure you understand the following Flash technologies
- Actionscript in the timeline
- Actionscript in a movieClip
- The MovieClip and it's properties
- Flash drawing techniques
- Game play with events (onRelease) from mouse
- Dynamic text and updating it
- Game progression - resolution
Here's an example.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Example iPhone games for Flash
These games could easily be created in Flash - watch for inspiration.
Nintendo WII games done in Flash (for term 2)
Nintendo WII games done in Flash (for term 2)
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